Friday, February 27, 2009

my AWESOME birthday

i'm so so so happy.. i hav the best birthday ever..
i hav three celebration for my 18th..

chris n dav buy a present n cake in my genting trip..

how awesome is my cake... delicious...... wonderful.. is a surprise one too.. thanks dar...

On 26th feb 2009
in the morning get a surprise present from gor gor(issac)
an ear earing.. i luv it.. thank you...
in the afternoon... after class..i get to celebrate with my course mate..and thanks Dav to be here all the way down from melaka.. thanks you.
v hav a wonderful brunch...

then... roger+chi yin+dav.. v get to skating in sunway pyramid...
is was really fun..
they are a fast learner.. gambate..
i still remember when i was 15th i used to go skating ALONE during my birthday!!!!!

3rd, my surprise birthday from family...
my bro.. bought me a haagen-dazs ice-cream cake!! yummy.. fabulous..
the most expensive birthday cake ever i had...thanks gor..

to be continue...

Friday, February 20, 2009

brand new Feliz

at 19th of jan.
feliz..(that's me-weird@@) has changed her hair style...
and she luv it very very much......
thanks to mum n 3rd sis...

that's my brand new hair....
any comment?
can u believe it.. my whole hair only cost me RM25..
hee.. all done by my this two beloved family... DIY..
not bad right? hee....
that's my birthday present for myself..

Monday, February 16, 2009

agnes toh..

agnes toh.. u really hav to thanks me for ur present!!
it spend me a lot a lot of time to finish it!
haha!! happy birthday.. as it coming soon!!

Saturday, February 14, 2009


窗外下着雨 走出门外
孤单的雨 一滴一滴
感觉多么甜 为何我那么依恋




i wrote this two years ago.. n it express my feeling now!


wat do u think about it?
romantic? luv?
i use to think about that when i was 12 til this year..
this year?
the 1st lonely valentine..
but actually i'm enjoying it..
i spend my day with my mum watching movies at home..
haha.....beside.. went out with darling(agnes& camun)
A&W.. a great place to spend ur time with ur buddies..
hee! few more days to go for Agnes birthday...
wat to get for her?
my birthday is coming too.. suddenly dun feel like growing up..
feel like jz stay at 17th n never grow up...
but... good to be 18th too.. can go clubbing(as my mum dun allow now!)
haha... use to allow.. when i was 16th.. but y not now??
this year.. get the least present..
a rose(from roger)+ a facebook teddy(william)
haha.. dun mistaken the rose is a friendship sign as he give out three roses one shot..
but thanks anyway..
that's all.. going to hang out with friends later...
hope will have fun!!
happy delayed valentine!!!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

my introduction to myself...

this is one of my assignment...
hee... so.. it take me 1 hour to finish this.. n thanks to dav n chris for helping me..
thanks you...
i hav to present it in front of my public speaking class.. it was cool.. hee!!

I always ask myself. Who am I? What do I want? It makes me confuse all the time. As I grow up I finally know the answer. I am here now to tell you all the answer.

In my life there are so many characters. 1st, as a leader in Girl Guide. Girl Guide is my life. I spend most of my secondary time on it. Jungle tracking, camping, performing on the stage, I really enjoy it. I use to be a commander for my school marching team. To be in a marching team, we need a lots discipline . I’m really strict towards all my members. As a girl guide there is a motto for us. BE PREPARED. So in my life I’m prepared for everything. My study, my life, my future.

2nd, as a volleyball player. I love working as a team. Team work is the most important thing in a team. In our life u can’t live without it. To be a good player I used to train up by our coach 4 hours a day. That’s only when we are going for a tournament. Even is tough but is fun.

3rd, as a youngest sister for 5 siblings. My sister always says that I’m the luckiest in my family. I admit it, because I have so many sisters and brother to look up to. But sometimes they are just too protective for me. And sometimes I even think that they are just jealous for what I have. I’m proud that I’m born to be talented. I play piano, dance, sports. I’m active in everything. Furthermore, I always join a lots of charity works. Do you guys heard about FGS? That the society I usually with.

Life can be depressing at times, I guess that’s normal when you become an adult and realize that you have to face the problems of the world is ready to hurl at you. Makes you look back and wish you were a child again. Life is so much better off lived simply; sometime we are so caught up in urban living that we complicate things. The best thing to do is just take some time off to think about life and get back into perspective.

That’s all for now. By the way,I’m Feliz. Want to more?Ask me personally. Thanks you.


my sister actually send me this.. n is really meaningful for me..
n is in chinese hope those who dun noe how to read dun mind!! haha...
爱的感觉,总是在一开始觉得很甜蜜, 总觉得多一个人陪、多一个人帮你分担, 你终於不再孤单了,至少有一个人想著你、恋著你, 不论做什么事情, 只要能一起,就是好的, 但是慢慢的,随著彼此的认识愈深, 你开始发现了对方的缺点, 於是问题一个接著一个发生, 你开始烦、累,甚至想要逃避, 有人说爱情就像在捡石头, 总想捡到一个适合自己的, 但是你又如何知道什么时候能够捡到呢?
*她适合你,那你又适合她吗? 其实,爱情就像磨石子一样, 或许刚捡到的时候,你不是那么的满意, 但是记住人是有弹性的, 很多事情是可以改变的, 只要你有心、有勇气, 与其到处去捡未知的石头, 还不如好好的将自己已经拥有的石头磨亮磨,你开始磨了吗? 很多人以为是因为感情淡, 所以人才会变得懒惰。 错! 其实是人先被惰性征服, 所以感情才会变淡的。
*在某个聚餐的场合, 有人提议多吃点虾子对身体好, 这时候有个中年男人忽然说「十年前,当我老婆 还是我的女朋友的时候,她说要吃十只虾,我就剥二十只给她! 现在,如果她要我帮她剥虾壳,开玩笑!我 连帮她脱衣服都没兴趣了,还剥虾壳咧! *听到了吗?明白了吗? 难怪越来越多人只想要谈一辈子的恋爱,却迟迟不肯走入婚姻。 因为,婚姻容易让人变得懒惰。 如果每个人都 懒得讲话、 懒得倾听、 懒得制造惊喜、 懒得温柔体贴, 那么夫妻或是情人之间, 又怎么会不渐行渐远渐无声呢? 所以请记住: 有活力的爱情, 是需要适度殷勤灌溉的, 谈恋爱,更是不可以偷懒的喔!
*有一对情侣,相约下班後去用餐、逛街,可是女孩因为公司会议而延误, 当她冒著雨赶到的时候已经迟 到了30多分钟, 他的男朋友很不高兴的说: 你每次都这样,现在我甚么心情也没了, 我以後再也不会等 你! 刹那间,女孩终於决堤崩溃, 她心里在想:或许,他们再也没有未来了 *同样的在同一个地点,另一对情侣也面临同样的处境; 女孩赶到的时候也迟到了半个钟头,他的男朋友 说:我想你一定忙坏了吧! 接著他为女孩拭去脸上的雨水,并且脱去外套盖在女孩身上, 此刻,女孩流泪 了, 但是流过她脸颊的泪却是温馨的。 你体会到了吗
*其实爱、恨往往只是在我们的一念之间! 爱不仅要懂得宽容更要及时, 很多事可能只是在於你心境的转变罢! 懂了吗? 当有个人爱上你,而你也觉得他不。 那并不代表你会选择他。 *我们总说:我要找一个你很爱很爱的人,才会谈恋爱。 但是当对方问你,怎样才算是很爱很爱的时候, 你可能无法回答他,因为你自己也不知道。 *没错,我们总是以为,我们会找到一个自己很爱很爱的人。 可是後来,当我们猛然回首,我们才会发觉自己曾经多么天真。 假如从来没有开始,你怎么知道自己会不会很爱很爱那个人呢? 其实,很爱很爱的感觉,是要在一起经历了许多事情之後才会发现的。 或许每个人都希望能够找到自己心目中百分之百的伴侣, 但是你有没有想过在你身边会不会早已经有人默默对你付出很久了,只是你没发觉而已呢? 所以,还是仔细看看身边的人吧! 他或许已经等你很久喽!
*当你爱一个人的时候,爱到八分绝对刚刚好。 所有的期待和希望都只有七八分;剩下两三分用来爱自己。 如果你还继续爱得更多,很可能会给对方沉重的压力,让彼此喘不过气来, 完全丧失了爱情的乐趣。 *所以请记住, 喝酒不要超过六分醉, 吃饭不要超过七分饱, 爱一个人不要超过八分 *那天朋友问我:到底该怎么做才算是爱一个人呢? 我笑著跟他说:其实每个人的爱情观都不一样,说对了叫开导,但就怕说错反倒变成误导。那就糟糕
*如果你也正在为爱迷惘,或许下面这段话可以给你一些启示: 爱一个人,要了解,也要开解; 要道歉,也要道谢; 要认错,也要改; 要体贴,也要体谅; 是接受,而不是忍受; 是宽容,而不是纵容; 是支持,而不是支配; 是慰问,而不是质问; 是倾诉,而不是控诉; 是难忘,而不是遗忘; 是彼此交流,而不是凡事交代; 是为对方默默祈求, 而不是向对方诸多要求; 可以浪漫,但不要浪费; 可以随时牵手,但不要随便分手。