Thursday, April 23, 2009

Singapore Joke

      Well, here is something to link the 5C's to the newer 5B's!

      I don't need a
      CAR, but I want a BMW

      I don't need a
      CONDO , but I want a BUNGALOW

      I don't need you to have
      CASH but I want you to own a BANK

      I don't need you to have a
      CAREER but I want you to be a BOSS

      It's interesting for you to read!

      Most of you would have heard of the Singapore
      5C's! :

      Car, Condo, Credit Card (Gold), Cash and Career

      Heard of the

      B - BMW

      B - Body

      B - Brain

      B - Billionaire

      B - Bungalow

      And addition with the
      5K's .

      Kiasu (scared of losing)

      Kiasee (scared of dying)

      Kiabor (scared of wife)

      Kiaboh (scared of having nothing)

      Kiachenghu (scared of government)

      We've been reading about the 5C's and 5K's for Singaporeans, now comes the 5 numerals and Malaysia 's equivalent.

      Singaporeans' "practice" for Simple Living:

      1 - One Wife
      2 - Two Children
      3 - Three Bedroom Condo
      4 - Four Wheels
      5 - Five Figure Salary

      Malaysian "practice" for Simple Living:

      5 - Five Children
      4 - Four Concubines
      3 - Three Figure Salary
      2 - Two Wheels
      1 - One-Storey Link House

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